
A common misconception about scholarships is that they are only available for the smartest gpa最高的学生. 虽然很多奖学金都是以成绩为基础的, 也有同样多的人不是. 许多奖学金是根据学生的需要、居住时间、 种族背景、专业等等. 事实上,有很多奖学金 每一种学生. 点击下面的标题了解更多. More financial assistance information is available in the Online Bulletin: Undergraduate or Graduate.


bet365中文合作奖学金(APS)适用于美国居民, undocumented and international students admitted to undergraduate programs 在贝里恩校区; students admitted to online 附属校园本科课程不符合条件. The 本科招生办公室 will determine the scholarship amounts for incoming freshmen and transfer students. 确定奖学金金额, the 本科招生办公室 will determine a rating based on the following guidelines:

  • Confirmed U.S. SAT或ACT成绩和/或
  • Confirmed U.S. cumulative GPA or equivalent (following the conclusion of the sixth semester for academy or high school)

Please contact the 本科招生办公室 or check out the APS website for further details. 

Freshmen that have successfully met the admission requirements of Andrews University will receive a scholarship of $8,000 - $14,000 per year. 

$14,000 $56,000
$12,000 $48,000
$10,000 $40,000
$8,000 $32,000

Transfer students (domestic & Canadian students transferring 25 or more semester credits) to Andrews University who are full-time undergraduates and in their first degree program may be eligible for an bet365中文合作奖学金. Transfer students do not qualify for the additional APS for the ACT or SAT scores since their APS is based on their cumulative college GPA. 根据他们的大学GPA 本科招生办公室 will grant an bet365中文合作奖学金 according to the following:

3.50 and higher $9,000
3.67 - 3.89 $7,000
3.50 - 3.66 $5,000
2.50 (and below) - 3.49 $3,000

Starting Fall 2023

3.90 and higher $14,000
3.67 - 3.89 $12,000
3.50 - 3.66 $10,000
2.50 (and below) - 3.49 $8,000

Andrews Gift Aid
除了bet365中文合作奖学金, Andrews University makes Andrews Gift monies available to help satisfy the student's need as determined by the financial aid information. To be eligible for Andrews Gift, students must complete the financial aid application process. 

Named Scholarships
Endowments and other restricted scholarship funds from alumni and friends of the university provide specially named scholarships as part of the bet365中文合作奖学金. 择优录取, by their school, 一项基于学习成绩的命名奖学金, 明确的专业和职业目标. The named, endowed scholarship becomes part of the bet365中文合作奖学金.

This scholarship is offered to an undergraduate student who has served as a Student Missionary or Taskforce Volunteer and enrolls full time at Andrews University the year following the year of service. 1500美元的奖学金为期一年,分为两个学期. 该证书不可转让至其他学校或其他学生. Approval for this scholarship is given by the Director of the Student Missionary/Taskforce Volunteer Program in the Campus Ministries Office. 该奖学金不是bet365中文合作奖学金的一部分.

暑期事工奖学金计划  (只适用于秋季学期)

  • 2023 summer camp scholarship will be based on $220 per week for a maximum of 13 weeks or $2,860.  学生财务服务 will determine the amount of the scholarship based on the information received from camp directors in time for financial clearance.
  • Magabooks和HHES将获得净利润的50%. The entire net earnings must be placed onto the student's account at Andrews University before the scholarship is given. 奖学金上限为2900美元.
  • Andrews University Field Evangelism summer scholarship and church outreach program is matched 100% of the net earnings based on information given to 学生财务服务 from the Andrews University Religion Department, church, or conference.  奖学金上限为1,850美元,仅在奇数年提供.
  • Summer scholarships for Andrews University Religion Department Barnabas Connection (Undergraduates only) and Church/Conference outreach programs are matched 100% based on the information given to 学生财务服务 from each organization. The entire scholarship must be placed onto the student's account at Andrews University. 奖学金上限为2700美元.

All summer scholarships are offered to full-time undergraduates and graduates attending the Berrien Springs campus. 奖学金申请截止日期为 October 31 本学年的. 如果学生在国外的基督复临学院就读, Student Missionary or Task Force that fall their scholarship will be held until the following year and funds disbursed the next fall semester. If they also work in a summer ministries program that year the scholarship would be given the following fall semester.

全国优秀入围者奖学金; 国家西班牙裔认可计划学者, 全国非裔美国人表彰计划学者, 国家原住民认可计划学者, 全国农村/小城镇表彰计划学者, 以及APS/SAT奖学金
Andrews University rewards the scholars listed above(for a composite score of 34 ACT or 1490 SAT (SAT Evidence-based Reading and Writing + Math) or higher or pSAT-NMSQT of 1470 (ERW and Math) or higher; a special bet365中文合作奖学金 that covers 100% tuition for four years for incoming freshmen with a cap of 144 credits and limited to a degree. 确认收到奖学金, 向本科招生办公室提交适当的记录. 收到的所有礼品援助, 包括大学奖学金或助学金, cannot exceed the cost of full tuition for up to 16 credits per semester, 每学期书费高达550美元, 加上一般和认可的课程费用. 当捐赠援助总额超过上述费用时, the university scholarship or grant is reduced until gift aid equals the costs. 所有的助学金按以下顺序添加:外部奖学金, merit aid, 然后是基于需求的援助. Should the external scholarships and merit-aid portions exceed the tuition, 书籍及费用限制, boarding students may include the minimum costs of room and board in the calculation. 确认收到奖学金, 提交适当的记录(奖励信), 证书和/或官方考试成绩) 本科招生办公室. 更多信息请参见 bet365中文大学公报.

Performance Scholarships vary up to $1500 for members of the Department of Music Choirs, Orchestra, and Wind Symphony. 才有资格获得表演奖学金, 学生必须完成申请流程, 试镜并匹配合奏团的需求. 获奖者不必是音乐专业的学生也可以获得这项奖学金. 该奖学金不是bet365中文合作奖学金的一部分. Click here to access and download scholarship application and recommendation forms from the Music department's webpage.

以帮助弥合美加汇率差距, it has been decided that if the exchange rate (based on the Bank of Canada, 公布汇率)跌至以下 .90美元,bet365中文大学将提供退款 US equivalent 支付的金额,不超过每学期所欠的金额. 更多信息请访问 加拿大汇率计划 page.


2020年推出,每年提供全额学费奖学金. Deadline is June 30. 标准如下:

  • Admitted as a new undergraduate student attending full-time on main campus in Fall 2023
  • Eligible for Pell Grant (2023-2024 FAFSA results used to determine Pell Eligibility)
  • Submission of an essay (minimum of 500 words) expressing a personal passion for, and commitment to, promoting racial equality and justice in the community as well as presenting practical ideas to demonstrate that commitment.
  • 论文应寄至 以乔治·弗洛伊德学者申请为主题.
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